Home / subjects / Spreekuur.nl / Consultation hours – How do I start a chat via the website? Consultation hours – How do I start a chat via the website? Read aloud Translate Print Share WhatsApp Email It is not possible to start a conversation yourself. You must be invited for this by your healthcare provider or care provider. You can see the chats you've been invited to by clicking 'Chats' on the left side of the page. Enlarge Frequently asked questions about Spreekuur.nl Consultation hours – How do I perform a self-measurement? Consultation hours – I have forgotten my password, what now? Consultation hours – How do I retrieve data? Consultation hours – How do I delete my data? Consultation hours – How do I delete my account? Consultation hours – How can I log in via the website? Consultation Hour – What is Spreekuur.nl? Explained in a video Consultation hours – How can I view my file via the website? Consultation hours – How do I change my personal information? Consultation hours – How can I log in via the app? Consultation hours – How do I start a chat via the app? Consultation hours – How can I view my file via the app? Consultation hours – How do I create an account?