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Logo Hospital Gelderse Vallei

How can I log in to MyZGV?

The steps in brief

  • You can log in to MijnZGV with your DigiD.
  • You can then choose between logging in with the DigiD app or with SMS verification.

1. Go to the Gelderse Vallei Hospital website

  • In the top right corner you will see MyZGV.
  • Click on this green button.

Or directly via

2. login

Click on the button that says 'Log in? Click here'.

3. Choose how you want to log in

If you choose to log in with the DigiD app, read on. Do you choose to log in with an additional SMS check? Then continue with step 6.

How do I log in with DigiD? – Digital Care Helpdesk

4. Log in with the DigiD app

Open the DigiD app and enter your self-chosen PIN code. A 4-letter pairing code will now appear. Enter this in the login screen.

5. Scan QR code

Scan the QR code that appears on the screen with your mobile phone. Enter your PIN again on your mobile device and you are logged in.

6. Log in with additional SMS control

Enter your DigiD username and password after you have chosen the 'log in with SMS verification' option.

7. Enter the SMS code

Immediately afterwards you will receive a (spoken) text message with a code on your phone. You can log in permanently with this code. You will then arrive at the MijnTergooi homepage. You're logged in.