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We offer you help with digital care

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Fred Antonides
Hello, my name is Fred. My colleagues and I are standing every working day from 08:00 - 18:00 ready for you.
Call 085 - 1304 575

We help more than 17,000 people per year to use digital care independently

Mother and daughter watching on tablet
Carla Broekman, Project Manager ICT and safety, Huisartsen Utrecht Stad (HUS)
At Helpdesk Digitale Zorg, our patients learn to email or video call their GP safely, thus relieving the GP's worries.
Man talking on the phone at the table
Patient, TergooiMC
I was unable to log in. But by going through it step by step, I have now succeeded. Now I can do it all myself!
Emmy - Service employee
Emmy Kuipers, Service Employee
Every conversation is different and you can find a solution together mainly by listening carefully
Suha Saygin, Medical Assistant, SAG
It is very nice that we can refer our patients for digital support. This saves us time on the telephone and the patient is helped immediately remotely.

We make digital care accessible to everyone

There are approximately 3.5 million people in our country who are not digitally skilled. This group therefore misses fair opportunities to use the benefits of digital care. We believe that everyone has the right to access digital care. That everyone should be able to participate. Are you curious how we do this?
For healthcare professionals


More than 25 healthcare institutions offer their patients and clients support with digital care