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Helpdesk Digital Care makes digital care accessible to everyone.

Woman with phone in tram
Man in truck

There are approximately 3.5 million people in our country who are not digitally skilled. This group therefore misses fair opportunities to use the benefits of digital care. We believe that everyone has the right to access digital care. That everyone should be able to participate.

Through our support we also want to increase the self-reliance of your patients. And your care provider can focus on the core task of providing the best possible care.

Read more about us here.

We offer your patients and clients accessible help. In the digital care of your organization.

Our helpdesk

Patients can call, email and chat with our team. We take all the time to help them on their way.

Looking independently

Patients can find their own answer in the manuals on our website. Written in plain language, in more than 20 languages.

For patients

  • All relevant information in one place
  • More than 100 manuals in 20 languages
  • Knowledgeable & friendly helpdesk team
  • Contact by telephone, chat and email

For healthcare institutions

  • Own page with all relevant information for patients
  • Relieve the pressure on your own helpdesk
  • Toolkit with leaflets and posters
  • Your patients are in good hands
Mother and daughter watching on tablet
Carla Broekman, Project Manager ICT and safety, Huisartsen Utrecht Stad (HUS)
At Helpdesk Digitale Zorg, our patients learn to email or video call their GP safely, thus relieving the GP's worries.
Emmy - Service employee
Emmy Kuipers, Service Employee
Every conversation is different and you can find a solution together mainly by listening carefully
Man talking on the phone at the table
Patient, TergooiMC
I was unable to log in. But by going through it step by step, I have now succeeded. Now I can do it all myself!
Suha Saygin, Medical Assistant, SAG
It is very nice that we can refer our patients for digital support. This saves us time on the telephone and the patient is helped immediately remotely.
Emmy Kuipers
Emmy Kuipers, Service Employee
I have daily contact with patients and clients of healthcare institutions throughout the Netherlands. Working together in concrete terms to make digital care accessible gives me a lot of energy!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • For Dutch healthcare institutions such as hospitals, rehabilitation centers, home care, general practitioners or mental health services that offer digital care. Affiliated healthcare institutions can refer all non-medical substantive questions about digital care from patients and clients to the Digital Care Helpdesk. Our people have the latest knowledge about the systems common in the Netherlands.

  • More than 20 healthcare institutions throughout the Netherlands are now connected, including Arkin, Tergooi MC, GGZ Centraal, Gelderse Vallei Hospital, Amsterdam Health Centers Foundation, Libra Rehabilitation & Audiology and Merem. And much more.

  • This varies per organization and depends on the type and size of the organization. In this way we can support as many healthcare institutions (and therefore patients) as possible. We would be happy to discuss this further.

  • Quite a lot. First and foremost, a helpdesk with expert and reliable employees, available by telephone on working days from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. But also available via e-mail and chat. In addition, +100 manuals in 20 languages, updated and in plain language. Every quarter you will receive a report with figures and an explanation of the digital care questions of your patients. And twice a year you will receive an invitation to a meeting with other affiliated healthcare institutions, with a lot of knowledge sharing and best practices.

    And much more. Like a complete communication toolkit, you always have one point of contact and your organization gets your own page.

  • This landing page, with your own logo, is recognizable for your patients and contains all relevant information about your organization. But also regional context, such as support through the Library, so that we can help your patients on their way as best and completely as possible. Use this page in your communication so that your patients always have the correct information at hand.

Help your patients too

It starts with an introduction and a good conversation.
We are happy to share our experience and knowledge.