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Logo DigiD

How can I log in with my DigiD?

Steps in brief

  • Go to the website of the service where you want to log in
  • Choose to log in with DigiD
  • Choose a way to log in with your DigiD
  • Follow the steps on your screen to complete the login

1. Where do you want to log in?

Go to the website of the service where you want to log in
This could, for example, be your hospital's patient portal.
If you do not have a DigiD yet, you can apply for one first.

2. Choose to log in with DigiD

On the website of the service where you want to log in, you can choose 'Log in with DigiD'.
How this is stated varies per website.

Sometimes you must first click on the organization's online environment before selecting the option 'Log in with DigiD' appears.

3. Choose a way to log in with your DigiD

For example, you can choose to log in with the DigiD app or with an additional SMS check. Do you choose to log in with the DigiD app? Then continue with step 4. Do you opt for the extra SMS check? Then continue with step 9.

4. Login methods

There are different ways to log in with your DigiD.
For example, via SMS control DigiD app or scanning your driver's license or ID.
Choose how you want to log in and follow the steps on the screen.
Do you need some more information per option? Then click on the link below:

SMS control
DigiD app
Drivers license

Fred Antonides
Hello, my name is Fred. My colleagues and I are standing every working day from 08:00 - 18:00 ready for you.