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June 26, 2023

Red Cross Hospital and Digital Care Helpdesk are joining forces

Red Cross Hospital Beverwijk has joined Helpdesk Digital Care. This means that from now on, patients from the hospital in the Midden-Kennemerland region and the IJmond region will also receive support with digital care. The Digital Care Helpdesk employees have up-to-date knowledge and manuals of the hospital's digital applications available. Patients of the Red Cross Hospital can go to us with all their non-medical questions. A win-win situation, because not only do patients receive quick answers to their questions, healthcare providers also have more time for the patient!

Customized information 

Employees of the Digital Care Helpdesk answer questions from patients of the Red Cross Hospital in close collaboration with the Regional Telecoaching Center. On a special landing page patients will find answers to frequently asked questions and concrete, understandable manuals. This includes information about logging in to the apps Patient Journey App and BetterDichtbij. General information can also be found here DigiD and local referrals to physical digital support, such as Language House IJmond.

Would you prefer direct contact? 

On working days between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., the Helpdesk Digital Care service team is ready to support patients of the Red Cross Hospital with all questions regarding their digital care. The employees of Helpdesk Digitale Zorg have an affinity with the target group and have the substantive knowledge. This makes callers feel helped quickly and well.

If you call outside these hours, one of the service employees will call the patient back the next working day. Additionally, the team offers support via email and chat.


“Helpdesk Digital Care is one of our ways to make digital care more accessible to our patients within reach. Together we are taking important steps towards a sustainable and future-proof hospital.”


Kees Broekman (Care Manager – Red Cross Hospital):
It is of great importance for the healthcare of the future to use digital possibilities properly and in an accessible manner. This way we can bring about positive change with everyone involved. With all healthcare professionals, but even more so with and for our patients.

Digital Care Helpdesk is one of our ways to make digital care more accessible to our patients within reach. Together we are taking important steps towards a sustainable and future-proof hospital.

Merlijne Sonneveld (director – Digital Care Helpdesk):
“We are very pleased with the collaboration with The Red Cross Hospital, a hospital with an important regional function for thousands of patients. Everyone has the right to help to participate in the world of healthcare digitalization and this is another step in the right direction. We now support various Dutch hospitals in the field of digital care. This means that we have more and more knowledge in-house to help the patient as quickly as possible.

Every day I hear our service team speak to people with patience and compassion, and now also for the patients of the Red Cross Hospital. Together we ensure that everyone can participate and benefit from the benefits that digital care offers us.”

In addition to the Red Cross Hospital, Helpdesk Digital Care also supports other hospitals, such as Any hospital, Rivierenland Hospital, Gelderse Vallei Hospital and Tergooi MC and various other healthcare institutions such as Arkin, HUS and RHOGO.

Look at Here is the complete overview of all participating healthcare institutions.